The Professional Badass

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Simple and doable

I'd be the first one to admit that getting past all of that mental BS that stands in the way of creating something new is the hardest part of… well, creating something new. I wasn't born an optimist and I definitely didn't have a silver spoon in my mouth growing up. My threshold for “the world is your oyster" was not very high at the outset of my life. But one thing's for sure - all of that can be learned. Becoming resilient to your emotional states is a skill you can acquire, and you've got all the equipment you need in this moment to acquire it.

You know how everyone says “it's about consistency” and “those who succeed never give up?” What I've discovered is that being able to withstand your own tireless doubts and innate pessimism is the one thing that makes the rest of it simple and doable.

Everyone has the ability to scale their own personal mountains, and success in life is really about the meaning you place in it. Which ultimately, in my book, is about the people, places, and circumstances you put yourself in, regardless of where you got your start.

So, as you stand at the threshold of yet another week of your life, I've got to ask: are you headed where you've been meaning to go?

If so, congratulations are in order and I'd love nothing more than to make a big, gigantic ass deal out of you 😆 cause that's just the way I roll. But if not, I'd also love the opportunity to support you on your journey and get you headed in the direction that's right for you.