The Professional Badass

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Fed up with office politics

You’re fed up with the office politics, the red tape everywhere, and the enormous amount of waste that occurs in the corporate workplace because “that’s just not how things are done around here.”

You can always quit your job, but you prefer the stability of the biweekly paycheck enough to tolerate the rest. Smart. But long term, this isn’t the gig. What do you do in the meantime to keep from losing your mind?

Learn how to breathe.

Oh I know that sounds like a bunch of new age BS, but stay with me.

Most people in corporate know how to hold their tongue long enough that the flare goes out a bit before speaking. The passive aggressive “professional” communication that’s prevalent in work emails ought to be a part of the employee handbook. 😆

The best way to keep your shit together while you’re building up a reliable way to exit is to become completely neutral to the drama that occurs every day. Yes, for the sake of your mental health and everything you hold dear, it’s imperative that you simply do not care. Not enough to bring those deliverables home with you when you’ve logged off for the evening.

You’ll know you’ve succeeded when you can easily dismiss those situations once the thought of them occurs. What used to take a half-bottle of wine and an hour of griping to your significant other to quell the fire now takes mere moments of quiet self-reflection. It might not take much to stoke the flame, but you can easily put it out.

And that’s the answer for every kind of annoyance you face in your daily life, by the way. Accepting things as they are is the artform you’re about to master. When you can easily allow people and circumstances to be what they are, the faster you’ll be able to take action in the direction you want to travel.

Suffer no fools, my friend, including yourself. It helps nothing to resist what is, but accepting gives you the control you so long for. You’ll believe yourself magical when you see how easily you move on.

And I can’t wait to be your witness.