The Professional Badass

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What would it be like living out your years knowing you went for it?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like the weight of all you want to accomplish with your life threatens to crush you before you’ve even begun. 🙋🏻‍♀️

Time seems to speed up at an alarming pace when you stare across your timeline wondering when (and if) it’ll ever happen. And yet, it also crawls at a snail’s pace when you’re dying to get home and get started.

Because the long game of your career will still take years to come to fruition. And it gets harder as you get older to keep up the charade. Once you hit a quarter million in salary will that be the end? You’ll need at least a solid 5 years living at that level for the journey to be worth it. But everything gets bigger at that stage - bigger house, better car, lots more stuff to really sell the image.

I guess you can always deal with how you feel about it when you get there.

Let me offer you a different solution. Instead of denying yourself those feelings you’d have when you got there, live in them now. What does it feel like to have everything you could ever want in this moment? Yes! Even if you don’t have it all right now.

Because the soul-crushing defeat of dreams deferred will keep you stuck here for an eternity. And you’ll be one of those we read about in their elderly years, wishing they had done what they wanted instead of what they thought they ought to. What would it be like to live out your years knowing you went for it?

I’ll tell ya - you could die at any moment and not feel a single ounce of remorse for the path you chose. Because isn’t that why we’re here? To LIVE? Not to die this slow death of unending risk reports that lead to fires that lead to meetings that could’ve been an email if only someone had actually paid heed to the warning you had been mentioning about how it could all go to shit if we don’t do the thing that makes the most sense to be doing…

I’m not saying quit your job and live out your dreams. I’m saying live out your dreams even while you’re at your job.