The Professional Badass

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New Week

Week 8.

There’s a reason why I keep track of what week of the year I’m in and it’s not because I’m a masochist for time passing by.

A while back I realized how much the dawn of a new year and all its possibilities could erupt my energy and desire to Get. It. Done. Inevitably, around this time of the year, that energy would dry out like the Christmas tree you haven’t taken down yet. 😆

I’ve never been able to rely on willpower to do anything. It’s not from a lack of trying, trust me. I don’t want to do something? I don’t do it, and there’s no amount of guilt-tripping myself, catastrophizing in my head, or reviewing the consequences that’ll get me to do it. (Can you imagine what school was like? …UGH.) In my people-pleasing days, I was super incentivized to do things I didn’t want to do simply because it would make someone else feel good. But that’s just not the case for me anymore.

What I’ve realized since becoming an entrepreneur is that a LOT of time and energy is saved when you don’t judge yourself so much. When you allow things to flow as they go, let the frustration arrive, spin its tales, and lift as soon as you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s much easier to get things done.

And getting things done when you don’t judge yourself for how it gets done is HIGHLY satisfying. 😆 So I orchestrate that feeling we all get at the end of the year by making peace with the old week and welcoming in the new. It’s a reset for the daily and weekly activities that’ll get you where you want to go.

If you eff up, 🤷🏻‍♀️eh it’s one week of your life. But look back on a whole year like that and you’ve lost a year. At least this way, you’ve got 52 chances to get back on track.

New week, new you, my friend. Let’s get rocking and rolling.