We live in this material world and money is the vehicle which drives it.
I don’t love talking about the money. I think we as a society focus more on the money than we do on the deep inner work required to make the money. Ultimately, it’s the deep inner work that makes the money feel good at whatever level you’re at. And heaven knows you need to feel a lot better about the money you’re making now in order to stop the endless cycle of control that money has over your well-being.
But, we live in this material world and money is the vehicle which drives it. And though I don’t recommend you rely on acquiring it in order to feel good about yourself, its acquisition is a part of being here.
So that being said, I want to share the exercises I did daily in 2021 that led me to my first $100k.
Celebrate your successes - take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments. Whether way in the past or as immediate as just this morning.
Engage in gratitude - write a list of 3-5 things you can truly feel grateful for in the moment. Don’t be toxic about it.
Write the story you want to read - spend some time thinking about the life in the near future that you’d like to live. Be specific; dream it in detail.
Conditioning myself in this way fueled so much emotional resilience. When the pandemic hit us at the end of Q1 2020, my mostly in-person business changed overnight. I had to skill up in things I hadn’t even thought about before, and do it quickly.
Entering into 2021, I felt like a total failure. Because even though I had survived, the growth I had experienced in 2019 had all but disappeared in 2020. How do you come back from something like that? The answer is to reawaken yourself to the inherent value you possess.
As far as I know this far into my life, investing in your self-worth is the only investment that results in exponential returns. When you acknowledge your accomplishments, see the beauty in your life, and believe that your goals are worthy of pursuing, you will keep going even when the going gets tough.