Why wait until you retire to do what you want to do?
You did *everything* you were supposed to.
Graduated from college, started your career, and worked through the ranks to get where you are. You’ve committed to your vocation with the promise that with your hard work you would be rewarded. And you’ve had your share of rewards.
But the tried and true avenues for recognition and success that were our parents’ (or their parents’) bread and butter, just isn’t the same process anymore. We don’t have the same ingredients - not for the house, the white picket fence, or the kids if we wanted them. We’re not set up for that kind of outcome on this path.
And while we can definitely say our standard of living has improved from the days of the Great Depression, it’s also true that we face unique challenges as we make our way into mid-life. It’s more expensive than ever just to live. Costs in every aspect of our lives have gone up.
It’s time to turn to the unconventional. To embrace the suck of doing things differently than others because that’s the one chance you’ve got to strike gold. You know where this road leads - and perhaps it’s a price you’ve been willing to pay. But every day that passes that you allow yourself to sink deeper into the quicksand is another day you didn’t secure your own freedom.
Why wait until you retire to do what you want to do? You’ll be too tired to do anything then 😆 the enthusiasm and energy for this next era definitely wouldn’t be the same, anyhow. And it’s easier than you think to test drive a life that actually allows you to breathe.