Your inner peace
To have any chance at winning this corporate game, you’ve got to focus on the real game at play.
Your inner peace. 🧘🏻♀️
It’s not a goal to be reached in the far off future. It’s something only you - and you alone - are able to generate within yourself no matter the circumstance.
Even when your annoying coworker has once again messaged you as an act of reconnaissance for the expert knowledge you possess.
Even when you’re pulled into a sudden meeting about your lack of engagement because you just couldn’t take another moment on camera today.
Even when external stakeholders are unhappy with the way your services are being rendered, and senior managers are adamant that there’s nothing to be done about it.
In order for you to create your final escape, it’s THIS skill that will prove to be your savior. Distractions like these don’t disappear once you’ve left. If you find yourself prone to getting caught up by the heat of it now, it’s an absolute guarantee that the world without bounds will frustrate you too. It will draw you away from the work of a lifetime - and you simply don’t have forever to complete it.
Office politics would drive any normal human being insane. And there’s no limit to the self-aggrandizement that occurs in the corporate workplace. But the games we play at work are the same games we play at home.
Your supposed friend drops in to say hello in their brand new car. Top of the line luxury SUV.
Your mom relays the splendid news that your cousin once again got a new position as C-suite-something-or-other.
And all over social media, every connection you know is displaying the best of the very best of their lives.
It’s not just about not comparing yourself to others.
It’s about creating space deep within your soul that, no matter what is happening - you belong here just as you are and that is an absolute gift.
It’s not enough to simply leave the toxic environment; you must extract the toxicity from within.
Start now, and your first steps into this new life will begin with a level of self-acceptance you’ve never before attained.
Where you’re going, you’re gonna need it. 😎