Your next adventure could be just as exhilarating…

I dreamed about riding a motorcycle for 18 years. There was something about the loud roar of the engine together with the speed that felt like freedom to me. Complete abandon on the edge of death. To have conquered fear there would have been to conquer every kind of fear.

I hardly ever admitted it to anyone. The people who knew were people who rode themselves, and they were all guys. Women on bikes back then were most often seen on the back of their boyfriend’s Harley. And when I did express my desire to folks who didn’t know anything except the reports on nightly news, I was met with endless recounts of tragic motorcycle accidents they’d witnessed throughout their lives.

That’s the function of community though - to share what we know and to keep each other safe with what we know. But communities, like all humans, don’t know the answer to everything. They haven’t seen every possible outcome, especially in as rapidly changing a world as this one. It’s the daring and the bold - the ones who’d explore beyond the known - who elevate the community with innovation born from new experiences. When you have the courage to go where very few have been before, you gain the confidence of knowing the unknown. And fear no longer controls you.

There’s success to be had on the beaten path, for sure. But it’s more like sharks chomping at a picked-away carcass here, than it’s like a herd of elephants scouting their way to the next watering hole.

And your next adventure could be just as exhilarating as exploring the wilderness or riding a motorcycle for the very first time. When you’ve got someone on your team who isn’t just rooting for you, but strategizing with you, teaching you, supporting you, and celebrating with you every step of the way, the journey is more enjoyable than it is scary.

That’s the sweet spot we’re aiming for here. Just scary enough to take your breath away.

If that isn’t living, I don’t know what is.


Today ought to be about rest.


Simple and doable