The Professional Badass

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…ways to make a living that didn’t *have* to be chained to a desk until you die.

Back in the day, before WFH anywhere was a thing, I would take a day off for an appointment and observe how all these people are just out here living their lives. Usually it was a bright, sunny day and I’d be debating whether or not to sign back on to work or just enjoy a coffee in the park somewhere in the middle of the week. Sure, there were retirees doing their grocery shopping and moms with their newborns at the playground. But there were other people too. Adults, just like us 😆, working out of Starbucks, enjoying a stroll, or shopping at Trader Joe’s when it wasn’t packed with people stocking up over the weekend.

That’s when I realized that there were many ways to make a living that didn’t *have* to be chained to a desk until you die. There were authors writing their next novel, tradespeople of all kinds making a house visit, restaurant owners managing the lunchtime rush. And when your cushy office job can barely pay your monthly rent, pursuing a career in something that didn’t make you want to tear your eyeballs out starts to look mighty fine.

It took me a while to figure out my next move after that, to be quite honest. Lots of researching “lucrative side hustles,” and “how much money can you make doing drop shipping” lol - but that’s part of the journey. Because the possibility that things could be different is the first thing that has to happen in your mind before things can actually change. Before *you* will actually change, and become the person that creates that possibility into reality.

So today I encourage you to dream your wildest dreams. Live it in as much detail as you can in your mind, and consider it the first “work” you do to escape this merry-go-round. And when you’re ready to put your foot on that gas pedal, let’s link up. Cause my wildest dream is to watch you fly… and for the last 5 years, it’s been a dream come true. 💜