You were never meant to be just one thing

I used to be terrified of making a mistake, especially in the corporate arena. In fact, I was so on edge about being able to come across to others as intelligent and capable that I often fumbled my words and said nonsensical things. Humiliating moments in my life that resurrect themselves in my mind when I’m getting too close to my growth edges. Reminders of when I couldn’t keep up the charade of being wholly put together, on target… a total boss.

And there were many in my life that liked to remind me of that too. Some, right to my face, and others behind closed doors. Even now, to be so forthcoming about my opinions is to invite these same faces to peer at me behind the safety of the internet. The truth is you’ll always have curious bystanders jeering or cheering depending on the wind of favor. Doubly so when you decide to take a chance on a different path than what your forebears told you to do.

The world is simply not the same as when our parents flew the coop. Even if you somehow managed to escape any redundancies so far in your career doesn’t mean you’ll be saved in the future from it. Rather than shake your fist at the sky and then resign yourself to this life, why not start to build something you can rely on when the inevitable hits the fan?

You know better than anyone that there are no guarantees. Your loyalty means nothing anymore. We live in a place where the opportunists win, and everyone else is a sucker. But life is meaningless without a mission, without values to guide the way. So move forward with that singular aim: create a stronghold for your greatest ambitions. Change the world, one move at a time. Prepare yourself for your greatness. And know that, more likely than not, it resides outside of the confines of your corporate persona.

You were never meant to be just one thing, my friend. I’d love more than anything to help you see how that’s true.


What would it be like living out your years knowing you went for it?


Making Your Own Way